Sunday, February 26, 2012

Visual aid in Education

I am the person who in a classroom will use a lot of media to teach, I will go from pictures, PPTs, videos, animations, you name it. I think that the human being understand better through images and retains most of the information when is presented visually. A perfect example would be a movie, how many of us we are like, have you seen this movie? Do you remember when “this” happened? And we start remembering the entire movie, and that’s because we have stored those images and video sequences in our head.  For instance, I bet that those who have read Harry Potter movies would remember more by watching the movie that actually readings from the book.  I am not currently a teacher but as student I can say that I learn  more from visual materials. 

  We can make use of visualization tools to help our students to understand better a certain concept. 

Another important aspect of visualization with these technologies is collaboration. With the use of Web Video conferencing we achieve another level of student sharing and collaboration.  As IT manager on a university I have experience even in Math classes how visualization technologies aids student learning. With the use of smart-pens, or digital boards such as Smart Boards, and sketch/drawing tools, student and teachers can draw mathematical equations and explain the process in writing but “digitally” where this can be later uploaded to a shared space for the teacher to evaluate or simply it can be posted for sharing an example on how to solve a math problem with the rest of the class. 

I love mobile technology and I can see a great trend with this technology in Higher Education, students now use their tablets or iPads to go over assignments, do research and even communicate with other in webinars or other video mobile conferencing tools available for these tablets.

1 comment:

  1. Like you, I also enjoy mobile technology. I can see the benefits of smart phones and iPads in the classroom. However, I wonder how does a school get access to all these resources. Right now, the school I teach at has a smart board per hallway. Because of this no teacher actually uses the smart board due to the inconvenience of having to haul the massive board down the hall and to have to set it up. Despite the great uses of technologies such as smart phones, iPads, smart boards, and cameras to name a few, we need to find a way to make these resources available to every teacher.
