Sunday, October 9, 2011


1) I have always seen many teachers teaching strategies and different teaching methods. I can tell you that I learned a lot from the professors that used a variety of strategies, in the other hand professor that always sticks to on single teaching method, it might work for some students but not for all of them, since students they all learn in different ways depending on what their learning style might be. Some of them understand better when teachers use visual aids, or they could understand better if they used audio materials. I say that a good professor is the one that uses a little bit of everything.

What ever our teaching style is, there is technology available to support it. I think I need to improve my CK and my PK, I think I am good with technology since that is my passion since I was 15 years old I have always been on top of technology and fortunate I know what’s out there and how to use it, the best thing I could do is use it to teach!!! There is a lot of potential especially for students when they are taught using technology, for a variety of reasons, first because nowadays all students no matter what grade level they are, they all like technology, so if we as teachers make use of technology to teach our students, we are going to engage them to learn with more enthusiasm.

2) My ideas on my technology-integration lesson design are endless; I see so many ways to teach with technology. Since I am not currently a teacher I would not know what grade level would I like to teach, but no matter what grade level I choose, I know I can use a lot of technology to use. Besides Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, social networks, RSS and web services such as Google docs. I would implement video conferences, web meetings, online seminars also known as webinars, a really nice feature on some video conferences that I have experienced is that you can even record the conference, and than it can be posted for future reference or to make it available for other students or users. Fortunately I have the knowledge to build any kind of software, so whenever I see a need I can build a solution for it. I can build custom-software, I recently built an online application that helps college students to track their hours, so they can find out how much time they have “free” for going to the movies, go to parties, etc etc etc… this tool has helped a lot students to manage their time and helps them to succeed in college. We are trying to UTEP brand it, because other universities are interested on this powerful tool.

Feel free to use this tool.


  1. Thank you for the free tool link. I think it might be an interesting activity to have my students track their activities during a period of time (1 or 2 weeks) and then ask them when they sudy for their classes (especially mine). One issue that i have had (as well as every other tacher I have ever met) is a problem with students bringing back homework. Maybe this can help give both my students and I a perspective of what is keeping so many current day students from completing homework.

  2. I agree with you on the part that students learn better when teachers use a little bit of everything to teach. Your technology background will help you teach it and you are currently taking class so you are staying on top of the current trends. If you want to teach technology I think that middle school or high school is your best bet. I don't know about all the districts but mine is still resistant to technology but I hear that the middle and high schools are implementing more technology. This can also be in part to student using more of the 2.0 web tools.

  3. A teacher needs to help students in different ways so they learn and feel more confident. Giving the students a little bit of everything can make a student become more knowlegeable in many areas.... Great Post!!

  4. Technology is a growing force that cannot be stopped hopefully one day every classroom at least has some for of technology completely included in there lessons. Great post man!

  5. I like the idea of web conferences. You can have the face to face and incorporate web 2.0.
