Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Google Reader

Google Reader is an amazing tool to keep up to date on latest news. Not just for technology but any site that provides RSS subscriptions, such as the New York Times, Microsoft, BBC News, Weather feeds, among others. Google usually emphasis a lot on the “user-friendly” feature, that is one of their goals, to make it easy for the “standard-user” and I think they have done a pretty good job. Google technologies are very user-friendly and very reliable. That is why Google Reader is one of the most world wide used RSS aggregator out there. If you like blogs this tool definitely will make your life easier.


  1. Whoa cool! Thanks for posting this! This is great for visual learners. Is the speaker using a smart board too? He's explaining technology with more technology?! Whoa! And and.... I'm viewing your site using a different kind of technology while half listening to streaming TV waiting for my cell to buzz with a text.


  2. I can't agree with you more. The more I delve into the topic of Web tools for education, the more I appreciate Google. How come one company make so many great products for FREE?!
