Twitter in Technology Education. I am following EdTech Magazine tweets, because is a very
rich educational source to be on top of technology that focus on K-12. I really like EdTech magazine because it has
information on technology around the classroom. It also talks about what other
educators are currently doing in their classrooms. It also provides information
on all of my favorite fields, such as Security, infrastructure optimization,
storage, cloud computing, networking, web 2.0 technologies, mobile technology,
hardware and software and management.
Another resource I really liked is EdTech Digest. The have a
section called Cool Tool that gives you information about the latest
technologies and how people are using them. For instance take a look at this
from EdTech Digest “Jakub
Roz, an 18-year old student at the High School
of Computing Technology in Prague, Czech Republic, found taking notes too
inconvenient in Word—and hard to share amongst friends—so he did what any
practical student might do: he programmed a simple system and made it
accessible to everyone. So far, more than 25,000 users agree with him. He calls
it (there
are Czech, German, and English
versions as well as a Spanish version in progress). Students create virtual
notebooks where they can write their notes; it also integrates with Facebook.
For $2 per month, it’s comparable to a couple of iTunes downloads and for a
rapidly growing number of students, it’s worth it.” (EdTech Digest).
I think this is a really cool feature
for students, they are being encouraged to take notes by using technology and
not only that but they also collaborate among other students.